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Headquartered in Canary Wharf

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Investing across Fintech and Real Estate

Secure Investing


Asset-backed security


Security Trustee in place


Competitive Advantage


Proven track record


Secured Debenture Instrument

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About Us

SSV Capital has a dedicated staff of highly skilled specialists for each market and have created a research methodology that is consistently applied. Our research revolves around enumerating the elements required for success and identifying investment candidates through which we seek to satisfy those requirements.

*Based on a 5 year period. Only suitable for suitable, high-net-worth or sophisticated investors. Capital at risk and returns are not assured. You should consider contacting a professional Financial Advisor before investing.

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Disclaimer: Any person accessing this website or page and considering potential investment opportunities featured here, should make their own commercial assessment of an investment opportunity after seeking the advice of an appropriately authorised or regulated financial advisor. This website or page should not be construed as advice or a personal recommendation to any prospective investor. Investments of this nature carry risks to your capital and can go up or down. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Suitable appropriately qualified investors, sophisticated and high net worth investors only.