Proven Investment Opportunity

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Earn 72% per annum (paid monthly)

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We offer a revolutionary concierge service that vets trades people and professionals, and only recommends the very best. After a successful 1st round of funding, we are offering individuals another opportunity to Invest in the success of gittgo and share in our profits


Gittgo is the UK’s fastest growing network of tradespeople for hire.

Earn 6% per month income and up to 200% over the three-year term

Investment Highlights

  • Earn 6% per month income and up to 200% over the three-year term
  • Proven investment returns
  • Returns paid monthly on 30th of each month
  • Our first 6 investors have all made over 40% return on their first gittgo investment over their first year. (testimonials available)
  • Investment is secured against our paid for subscription model which we have safeguarded and is proven.
  • Invest from just £6k
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Disclaimer: Any person accessing this website or page and considering potential investment opportunities featured here, should make their own commercial assessment of an investment opportunity after seeking the advice of an appropriately authorised or regulated financial advisor. This website or page should not be construed as advice or a personal recommendation to any prospective investor. Investments of this nature carry risks to your capital and can go up or down. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Suitable appropriately qualified investors, sophisticated and high net worth investors only.